Premier+ II Software Club w/ Chris

If you want support for your Premier Plus II software, this is the club for you. We will meet once a month to work on a new software lesson to increase your software skills. By collaborating on these lessons in class, you will gain a better understanding of how to implement these techniques into your own project. Our goal is to increase our skills to learn how to individualize our designs to our own personal taste.

In-Store Clubs are priced at $120/year if you purchased the software you will be using in club from Montavilla. If you did not purchase the software you will be using in club from Montavilla, the In-Store Club price is $240/year. Please contact us to sign up.

Please Note: Clubs may only be signed up for by contacting us directly.


Upcoming Meetings Location Instructor Price Enroll

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Class, club, and event fees are nonrefundable. You must cancel 72 hours before the first session of the class, club, or event to receive store credit or apply the fee to another class, club or event. However, if the instructor or Montavilla Sewing Centers has to cancel a class, club, or event, you have the option for a store credit or full refund. Students must bring their own machines to all classes, unless otherwise noted. We request that you do not bring children or guests to the classes. Thank you!

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